Wednesday 9 October 2013

Ascension - 3rd eye energy center


The ascension is helping to awaken our dormant parts of self and reconnect us back to living as a true spiritual being of light and love that we should all be. Our whole body is being retuned and realigned to enable us to understand our energy system and to access the world through our spiritual energy chakra centers such as our heart, 3rd eye (Thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary gland) and crown chakra (pineal gland). This will allow us to connect and use our intuition to experience the world through our psychic senses enabling a wonderful life full of abundance in all things and to experience more joy, peace and love too.

These ways of living will aide you to become a Divine spirit of light and connect you to the Divine/God to enable enlightenment. As our ascension connects and activates our 3rd eye, and crown chakra centers our left and right sides of our brain begin to work together, awakening so much of our dormant parts of the brain that has been asleep for far too long. We have the chance of activating all those parts of the brain that makes us alive, aware and awake like never before, and then the time will come for us to become a glorious being of love and light made perfect.

Our understanding of our chakra energy system within our body, and the connection to every living organism by our consciousness is creating new pathways in our mind, body and spirit allowing us to evolve into fully conscious Divine Humans of light.

Once we trust our Divine Knowing, we will no longer be living in survival mode, and life will flow with ease and grace. Free of the “fight-or-flight” programming  our body will be attuned once more to our true essence of self, one of spirit, and with our conscious support, it can regenerate to its original Divine DNA blueprint.

Opening note
Many articles and books have been written about the Pituitary & pineal glands that reside in our brain, confusing the pineal gland as being linked to the 6th chakra the 3rd eye energy chakra center, when in fact it is linked to the crown chakra and is depicted in drawings as the cone on top of the head.

1.Pituitary gland – 3rd eye chakra – positive energy charge 
2.Pineal gland – Crown chakra – negative energy charge
3.Hypothalamus – ‘mood center’, and links the pituitary and pineal glands together to enable the enlightenment process.
4.Thalamus – sensory preceptor ( 3rd eye – ‘eye of the soul’)
All four play a part in the connection to higher consciousness/the divine/God – enlightenment.

Both the pineal and pituitary endocrine glands produce hormones in the body, and both need to function together to enable our physical and spiritual parts of self to come together and work collectively to raise our energy vibrational frequencies to enable us to connect to  the divine consciousness, God, which is our ultimate life purpose one of enlightenment.

Both are controlled by the hypothalamus which is situated just behind the pituitary gland and in-between the pituitary and pineal glands.  One of the most important functions of the hypothalamus is to link the nervous system and our organs to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland which regulates hormones. The hypothalamus actually controls the pituitary and pineal gland; and it integrates many messages from parts of the brain based on feedback from all over the body and tells the pituitary what to do, and the pituitary gland also controls the pineal gland, the pineal gland sends hormonal messages to the hypothalamus, the thalamus controls them all, so all 4 play a very important part in the function of our physical and spiritual bodies.
It is time to awaken the Pineal and Pituitary Glands and to understand the relationship of the Hypothalamus, our nervous (fight or flight), circulatory (energy), and endocrine (our glands), plus the relationship the thalamus has which l believe to be the actual seat of our soul (3rd eye) All have a part to play in our energy system, in order to accelerate our rise in consciousness, ascension, connection with our physical body, Spirit and The Divine.

The link to the ascension/awakening
The ascension awakening process is activating our pituitary and pineal glands in our brain and making them work in unison, with the Hypothalamus controlling these and the thalamus taking center stage over them all, All four are very important for the functioning of our psychic and spiritual abilities that allow us to connect to the universal energy through our energy circuit within our body, and allow our spirit to connect to angels, guides, higher beings and God, All four play a part in our 3rd eye chakra, which allows us to use our 6th sense, our intuition, which aides visualisation, manifestation, creativity, psychic and mediumship ability, which are all part of our consciousness, and the pineal gland is the link to our (crown chakra). Both the 3rd eye and the crown chakra allow our consciousness to connect to other conscious beings and to the higher consciousness/the Divine/God.

The higher centres or chakras have multiple tasks and when all of 3 parts of the 3rd eye and the crown chakra are open and functioning in harmony remarkable abilities can be achieved. The 3rd eye influences other parts of the brain, and causes them to respond in remarkable ways. The ability to dream, to visualise, to imagine, creates changes within the chemistry of your brain. This in turn develops the psychic senses. Meditations using creative visualisation colour, sound, and fragrance, can assist the brain to open up various pathways that have been dormant for many life times.

All four parts play a part in enabling communication with your Higher Self or the Christ within. With communion with the Higher Self comes wisdom and discernment. Guidance, direction and encouragement are provided in all areas of life.

Consciousness and the link to 3rd eye

•           The quality or state of being aware, especially of something within yourself.
•           The state or fact of being conscious of an external object.

Everything begins with your consciousness. Everything that happens in your life and everything that happens in your body, begins with something happening in your consciousness. Consciousness is your awareness, it tells you you’re alive and awake, and it connects you to all and everything.

Your consciousness, your experience of being, who you really are, is energy (life force). This energy does not just live in your brain; it fills your entire body. Your consciousness is connected to every cell in your body, and everything around you too.

a/ A change of consciousness creates a change in the energy field.
b/ A change in the energy field happens before a change in the physical body.

Consciousness creates our reality through our thought processes that are derived by our emotions, feelings, sensations to outside and inner stimuli that is brought forward through our predominant physical senses of sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste, these senses relay messages to the brain that trigger our moods depending on what we are experiencing at the time, also our spiritual 3rd eye (our sixth sense) plays a very important part in our consciousness and our manifestation process too.

The 3rd eye link to consciousness is derived through the sense of light which is brought into our body by the thalamus (part of the 3rd eye) which acts as a light reactor in the same way as how our eyes receive light, the thalamus is a visual sensory system that relays them to the cerebral cortex in the same way as our eyes send visual images to the cerebral cortex.

Basically our physical eyes allow us to see the world as it is in front of us in our everyday life, it’s our reality as we create it through our thought processes, and as a collective consciousness of conscious thoughts to create the world we all see. Our spiritual eye, the 3rd eye (sixth sense) 6th chakra energy center, allows us to use the sight of intuition, imaginations, and visualisation techniques that aide us in meditation practices, within the meditation practice we can go within to connect with our higherself (spirit) to enable us to connect to higher frequencies and energies within the spiritual realms where we can connect to angels, guides, spirits, angelic ascended masters and the divine, God, and where we can learn about our true essence one of a spirit of light, it’s this connection that helps us on our ascension journey to becoming light bodies.

Problems with the 3rd eye chakra
The pituitary gland is not functioning in the right way in the average person any more,  this is because society has stunted the growth of this organ by polluting our water system with fluoride, and most of our food system is corrupted with chemicals and other pollutants that stop and stunt our pineal and pituitary glands from working properly, this also stops our right and left brains from functioning properly too, basically making us all into ‘robots’ and stuck in just living a physical life, and residing mostly in our left brain, this is a way of controlling us and stopping us from connecting to our spiritual essence of self and to the ultimate connection to God.

The body knows how to constantly regenerate as a perfect healthy organism. But we’re continually getting in its way by trying to control it, through our negative physical body attributes, this is partly conditioned through our everyday life’s, which are controlled by laws, order and other forms of control through governments, religions, schooling, work conditions, to name a few, which try to suppress our natural state of a being of light. All these unnatural attempts to keep us in just a physical existence are simply taking us down the path of disease, degeneration and eventual death.

Many of us are now awakening to these controlling conditions, and are starting to fight back with changing our diets, blocking all ways that try and poison us and stop our connection to spirit and the divine, then we begin to look into meditation practices and learn all about spiritual ways of life that in turn help us to reconnect back to our spiritual aspect of self, and go within to connect to higher beings/guides, spirit and the divine, this allows the activation of our pineal and pituitary glands to start to wake up again.

What’s important is to listen and honour your body, what does it need and want and give it what it wants, most of the time our body lets us know you may find you want to start eating different foods for example, so follow what you are guided to do, this is your body helping you to start the cleansing and purifying process to help rid your body of all the toxins that have built up over the years, in this way you are cleansing not just your body but your endocrine system, your meridians and your chakras which all play a part in reconnecting you back to the spiritual side of you and helping you to understand your energy system and how you are connected to the cosmos 

and will help you to connect to source, the divine god which is the ultimate connection to enlightenment.

Thalamus: sensory vision - the heart of the 3rd eye
Function: The thalamus is involved in several functions of the body including:
•           Motor Control
•           Receives Auditory, Somatosensory and Visual Sensory Signals
•           Relays Sensory Signals to the Cerebral Cortex
•           Controls Sleep and Awake States

The thalamus is situated at the top of the brainstem, between the cerebral cortex and midbrain. Both parts of this structure of the brain in the human are each about the size and shape of a walnut. It is superior to the hypothalamus, and has a right and left side, it sits over the hypothalamus

The thalamus is a large, dual lobed mass of grey matter buried under the cerebral cortex. It is involved in sensory perception and regulation of motor functions. The thalamus is a limbic system structure, and it connects areas of the cerebral cortex that are involved in sensory perception and movement with other parts of the brain and spinal cord, that also have a role in sensation and movement. As a regulator of sensory information, the thalamus also controls sleep and awake states of consciousness.

Thalamus - The link to the 3rd eye (all seeing eye, 6th energy chakra center – 6th sense)
The thalamus is believed to both process sensory information as well as relay it, each of the primary sensory relay areas receives strong "back projections" from the cerebral cortex.

 ‘Sensory signals from the eyes are transmitted to the Thalamus, and then to the primary visual cortex, inside the cerebral cortex. They are sent to areas that extract features such as three-dimensional structure, shape, colour, and motion. Memory comes into play in at least two ways, first it allows sensory information to be evaluated in the context of previous experience, secondly, working memory allows information to be integrated over time so that it can generate a stable representation of the world.’  - Gerald Edelman –

The thalamus also plays an important role in regulating states of sleep and wakefulness. Thalamic nuclei have strong reciprocal connections with the cerebral cortex. The thalamus plays a major role in regulating arousal, the level of awareness, and activity, forming circuits that are believed to be involved with consciousness.

Hypothalamus (Master Gland controller, especially regarding the pituary gland)
•           A primitive part of the brain may control autonomic nervous system
•           Controls blood pressure, hunger, gastrointestinal function, the feeling of fullness (after eating), thirst, water retention, bladder contraction, decreases in heart rate, body temperature, sweating, sleep, wakefulness and alertness,
•           Initiates the Anterior Pituitary to secrete TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone).
•           The hypothalamus is part of the link for our 3rd eye and gives signals to all glands especially the pituitary gland, and is responsible for the day to day running of the brain.

The hypothalamus sits under the thalamus and is above the pituitary gland.
It uses its extensive connections with both the endocrine system (hormone system) and the autonomic nervous system (ANS) to maintain the body’s internal environment. The ANS comprises two systems, the sympathetic (fight or flight response) and the parasympathetic (rest and digest) response. The hypothalamus is busy releasing hormones into the blood stream as well as releasing hormones that stimulate other glands. These hormones instruct the endocrine system which regulates all our physiological functions such as muscle, tissue and bones growth as well as digestion, the metabolism of food, appetite and even our sleep patterns. Its role is truly amazing. The hypothalamus is also known as the mood centre; the very name starts to provide some clues into the impact of temperament on all these functions, because our moods determine how many of these processes are carried out efficiently, further illuminating the mind-body-spirit connection.

PITUITARY GLAND – part of the 3rd eye chakra – positive charge
Pituitary Gland: Anterior
Balanced, it will improve weight loss
•           Secrets Human Growth Hormone (hGH) and Somatostatin (Growth Hormone Inhibitory Hormone)
•           Mobilizes fat into the cells for fuel
•           Enhances protein assimilation in the body
•           Uses fat stores instead of glucose reserves
•           Helps with sleep patterns (staying asleep) and falling asleep in the afternoon
•           Acts indirectly on cartilage and bone growth

•           Causes the adrenals to release cortisol and is influenced by stress (ACTH)

•           Helps form the pigment melanin, too much may cause skin blotches (MSH)
•           Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, causes the thyroid to release T-4 and T-3 which is essential for normal well-being
•           Follicle Stimulating Hormone, causes ovulation and promotes the formation of sperm
•           (PRL) helps with the development of the breast and milk production
•           (PIF) stops the production of milk
•           Involved in water balance and kidney function, high concentrations cause high blood pressure and frequent urination, protects against water loss
•           Helps in the childbirth process by causing the uterus to contract and milk to flow.

The pituitary gland is a pea-sized gland which is situated in the center of the forehead in the center of the brain, and behind the bridge of the nose, and sits under the hypothalamus. Because of its position this is why many believe it is the 3rd eye chakra energy center, but it is actually one part of the overall function of the 3rd eye chakra center.

This gland controls air and space in the body, which is very important considering the amount of light that has to enter our body during the ascension process to allow our bodies to become light bodies of ‘light’. This gland is like a master of all glands and sends orders to all the other glands. It controls will-power, sight, hearing, memory and discrimination. It also rectifies the faults of the other glands, and is controlled by the Hypothalamus.

The pituitary gland is the part of the brain that empowers what is known as the ‘sixth sense’ and other paranormal abilities. 1000s of years ago we used this as an exterior organ for physical vision of our spiritual and psychic sight. But over time due to changes in evolution, it began to stop working and functioning as before, they began to recede within the skull, it then began to lose its function as an organ of physical vision but has never ceased to continue its functions even now it is an organ of spiritual sight and insight, for instance when we have a ‘gut feeling, a hunch’ the pituitary gland starts to vibrate gently, and when we have an intuition, or an inspiration, or a sudden flash of understanding the pituitary gland begins to vibrate even more. If we believe in ourselves, and if we believe in the things we have and use them in our daily lives our life will be full of so much goodness, richness, creativity, wisdom and joy, as the pituitary gland is also the center of bliss sensations.

PINEAL GLAND – crown chakra – negative charge
•           Makes melatonin for correct sleeping patterns.
•           Helps with reproductive cycles.
•           Needs sunlight to function properly.
•           Sends hormonal messages to the Hypothalamus.

The pineal gland is what’s referred to as the crown chakra energy center, not the 3rd eye as many believe it to be. It’s your direct link to higher consciousness, the Divine, the Universe, God.

The Pineal gland is located within the vertebrate brain between the left and right hemispheres. It produces melatonin; melatonin is a hormone which influences your biological clock. It is roughly the size of a grain of rice and resembles a tiny pine cone and is fully grown at 2 years of age. The gland is stimulated by darkness and hindered by light.
The Pineal gland is the Crown Chakra, and is a Bio-luminescent gland that can improve learning capabilities, increase memory, enhance intuition, wisdom and creativity and enhances psychic abilities; it is also a link to eternal youth, as it governs our aging process.

The Pineal gland resembles a pinecone. The pinecone has been used in symbolism for thousands of years! Many historical figures from Osiris to the Pope hold a staff of the pinecone. There is no question that the Pineal gland and its purpose have been known throughout history. There is also no question that those in power have suppressed the development and knowledge of the Pineal gland. Free thought and expression should never be suppressed.
So explore the infinite universe within you. Balance your mind, body and soul, and everything is possible.

How to help activate your 3rd eye and crown chakra energy centers
A healthy lifestyle of meditation, exercise, outdoor activities, eating natural unprocessed foods, and reducing your sugar intake will be the first steps to activating your Pituitary (part of the 3rd eye chakra) and Pineal glands (crown chakra)

Meditation/Visualisation activation exercise – to activate the 3rd eye and crown.
To activate the 3rd eye and crown chakra energy centers to raise your energy frequency and vibrate your spirit into higher dimensions, the pineal and pituitary glands must vibrate in unison, which is achieved through meditation and/or relaxation. When a correct relationship is established between the physical, operating through the pituitary gland, and the spirit, operating through the pineal gland, then magnetic field is created.

The negative (pituitary) and positive (pineal) forces interact and become strong enough to activate our physic abilities and together they open up our 3rd eye and crown chakras to enable our spirit to connect to universal energies, spirits, guides, angelic beings, angelic ascended masters and the Divine/God. When these chakras are activated, our psychic and mediumship abilities are heightened and we can experience many spiritual abilities and experiences that will help our ascension awakening process to enlightenment.

Activation exercise
Relax your mind, body and soul and go into meditation mode, still your mind and body and relax, begin to focus on the point between your brows and to the center of your head this is the seat of your 3rd eye. The magnetic field is created by focusing the mind on the midway point between the pineal gland and the pituitary gland. (The creative imagination visualizes something, and the thought energy of the mind gives life and direction to this form). Use a lighted candle flame to help with concentration and focus, stare at the candle flame then close your eyes and visualize the lighted candle flame into your focus point , after a while you may notice this changes to a different colour (blue/purple) and in the shape of an egg. Don’t force the issue or strain your mind, you have to be in a totally relaxed state to do this, you can always come back to this if you are not feeling relaxed enough or your mind is wondering too much. Practice this every day and over time you will start to notice a difference.

The pineal and pituitary activation exercise above will help you raise your vibration and increase your connection to higher consciousness, The Divine, God, and will open the gateway between the physical and non-physical realities. It will also help to accelerate your personal and spiritual growth, and increase your intuition and inner knowing.

Closing note
Physical & Spiritual Senses
Our physical and spiritual parts of self-experience the world in totally different ways but resonate and blend as one while we experience a physical life here on Gaia. Our physical senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell allow us to experience the physical pleasures of existence, we perceive and think that our physical senses are all that we have, but when we go within and connect with our spiritual essence this opens new doors of ways to experience our physical senses in a different heightened awareness allowing us to see into other ways of experiencing our life in a richer more fulfilling way, it is our 6th sense that allows us to be able to do this and offers us spiritual delights and wonders into another world of wonder. 

As a physical, and spiritual being of light we believe that all we have around us is it, as what we can actually touch with our hands we know and believe is real, it has depth, it has texture, what we taste has sweet, salty and sour even metallic flavours depending on what we are eating, we hear sounds around us we know what they are and where they come from, we see with our physical eyes colours, sights, views, faces, animals, everything has richness and beauty, we smell with our nose from rich aromas, to pungent smells. Each of the 5 senses triggers each one in turn, for instance we see something we want to eat, we smell it which tantalises our senses, and then we taste it, each of the senses has a part to play in the other ones, and can cause feelings and emotions to surface due to what our senses our experiencing at the time.

We may perceive our senses differently from the next person as each one of us resonates in different frequencies, some are more aware and awake of their understanding of the connection with their spiritual part of themselves that allows a richer experience of life, others will not have the inner connection due to certain conditions and situations in their personal and professional life, keeping them blinkered from the wonders of a richer more fulfilling life experience, once the individual learns how to connect with their spiritual essence it will help the physical senses to become heightened, this can be acquired with an understanding of how to connect within to the higherself. Connecting to the higherself can be attained through meditation and other spiritual practices that help the opening of the 3rd eye and the heart chakra plus the crown, this allows the spiritual part of self to connect to higher frequencies awakening awareness to see, feel, touch, taste and smell the world on deeper spiritual levels that blend with the physical part of self to bring a richer more rewarding experience to life.

When you acquire an understanding of your spiritual senses you become alive, aware and awake of the world around you like never before, everything will have more beauty, every sound will have more depth and richness, every taste will be sweeter and delicious, every beautiful smell will smell heavenly, every sight will hold more beauty for you, literally everything will be more divine and your life will be more vibrant, and alive in every single way, at last you will understand the miraculous beautiful world and will start to see, feel, touch, taste and hear it as a child does when they start to experience the wonders of the world for the first time, you will truly become more alive, aware and awake like never before.

Blessings <3 x wendy x <3

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