Friday 11 October 2013

Ascension - Art of Healing


During the ascension process many of us are experiencing different symptoms and ailments in the body one of them that has had me baffled for a while now is the sensation of being extremely cold even when its warm in the room or too hot when it’s cold outside, we are feeling this because the ascension is causing us to shift from one energy (dimension) to another sometimes without even realising. Our body is feeling it and showing us symptoms that are associated with either the high, spiritual energy or low physical energy, and as we fluctuate between the two our body tries to adjust to them but struggles with the switch hence causing our body to react with either too hot or too cold depending on what energy is coming in at the time, once we are balanced and our body becomes use to it we won’t feel these changes in body temperature any more

l have found that when l get very cold, a cold so deep it’s right inside that l can’t warm up no matter what l do, l find that about an hour or so later l start to have more energy, and l can actually feel it build up and then bam l’m in the hyper high spiritual energy where l can’t seem to talk or do anything fast enough, the heat l feel is over whelming and very intense, the cold sensations are the times when we are switching over from lower to higher, or higher to lower energy frequencies. In the times when we experience the intense heat we can use the high energy to do great healing work on ourselves, and for others just by the simple act of channelling the energy onto someone that needs healing, even a pet, and even mother Earth too.

Below is an explanation on how you can use your high hot energy times to dispel the energy from you, and turn it into beautiful healing energy directed from universal healing light, it will help to balance your energy too.

The art of healing is the power of heart energy healing, divine healing, universal healing, creator healing, all working through you, you are the channel to direct the healing light where ever it is needed.

Healing earth.
Direct your energy into the earth see it flowing out of you into the earth to heal it, use your body as a channel for the universal healing light, as you are in high healing energy direct it and focus it to go right into earth, right into the core and fill it with beautiful universal healing energy.

Healing others.
where the intention goes energy will flow, so if you just hold the persons hands you are giving healing to the healing light energy will go where it is needed, the universal healing light energy just needs a contact to use as a connection to form the circuit between you and the person you are healing, the healing is given naturally, you don't even have to think about what you are doing, you just have to be open to the divine healing energy and let it flow through you. Use both your hands when giving a healing as it completes the healing circuit and allows the healing light to flow continuously and as long as is needed, and what’s extra special about giving healing you get some healing too.

 x wendy x 

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