Wednesday 9 October 2013

Ascension energy frequency symptoms

Below is a list of ascension symptoms, these can come and go over the ascension process, some of them can be worrying and confusing if you at all worried please do go to the doctor, but the majority of the time they won’t find anything actually wrong with you. These symptoms are the process of the ascension which is attuning your body to the new energy frequencies, through your DNA molecule structure which is also changing into 12 strand DNA, as we are on the threshold of new beginnings here on earth and most importantly within our mind, body and soul.

Please feel free to message me if you have any questions about your ascension journey x

1 . Sleep difficulties, from sleep deprivation to too much sleep, early waking, restless, a need to suddenly get up even though you are tired, waking at same times most nights, nocturnal panic attacks.

2 . headaches, especially in the 3rd eye (a ripping sensation in this chakra) the minds eye, constant headaches, dizzyness with this too and feeling sick.

3 . Aching joints, heavy feeling, larthargic.

4 . dreams, vivid, real like, change to how you dream, remembering more, being talked to/having spiritual conversations, shown things, colour dreams and flying ones.

5 . psychic ability heightened, or suddenly being activated.

6 . syncronicites/coincidences happening more frequently.

7 . The 5 senses change, ringing in the ears, sound may hurt the ears, the pitch seems louder and more intense than usual. taste buds change foods you liked before you don't now, eyes are more sensitive to bright lights and visual disturbances happen, clouded vision or everything seems more radiant. Body reacts differently to hot and cold and touching things feels different like a loss of sensation. Strange metallic taste in the mouth.

8 . Noticing numbers, especially 11, also 22 and 23 and certain others, 11 coincidences like on the clock 11:11. New number combinations come in and out too recently l have been seeing 9:09 5:05 on the clock, same number but with zero in-between, also when you see number sequences frequently when out and about it is a message that you are on the right path, its like a prompt to let you know
1, 0 combinations actual digits, binary.

9 . An extreme need/thirst for knowledge and understanding, asking questions/looking for answers, wanting to find others like yourself, a feeling of unlocking hidden knowledge.

10 . extreme changes in mood, from highs to lows, sometimes suddenly without any reason, a sense of paranoia and feeling like you are going crazy, like you have an overload in information/frazzled brain so to speak, a feeling of helplessness, and that no one understands you, feeling lost, confused, wanting out/giving up feeling.
Unstable emotions/ feelings, easily upset, sometimes for no reason, want to cry/scream/laugh madly all of a sudden depending on feeling,sensitive to sound/light/smells(5 senses heightened)

11 . visions, vivid imagination, strong desires.

12. change in eating habits, not feeling as hungry, taste buds changing, wanting to eat healthier foods especially raw foods, having cravings for certain foods.

13. feeling vibrations within the body, tingling sensations in hands, arms, head, a cobweb effect feeling on the arms and head.

14. A feeling of emptiness inside, wanting to spend more time alone, difficulties with personal relationships a push pull effect on one hand wanting to be with someone and on the other not wanting to be.

15. the immune system being weakened causing all manor of symptoms from getting more colds than usual, feeling run down and tired, it covers many areas when it isn't working properly.

16. Extreme changes in body temperature with surges of cold or heat.

17. A huge need to change everything in your personal and professional life, a de cluttering letting go of most materialistic possessions, wanting to simplify your life.

18 changes to relationships, friendships, personal relationships ending.

Blessings <3 x wendy x


  1. Accurate! Thanks

  2. Accurate! Thanks

  3. I've been experiencing terrible smells with random things. Meats now taste terrible! Garlic and onions too. I've had to live off of yogurt and fruits in the last few days. ahahah any recommendations?

  4. Accurate, can u give us advices on xhat yo do ? And what are the main reasons behind this ascension
