Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Self Love

We can be so insistent on finding a love partner, and can consume ourselves in what we think we want as a ‘perfect partner’ that we lose what is ultimately important on our life path, which is an understanding and learning about self-love.

Self-love is learning to love all of you, even those parts that you are unhappy with, all your faults, literally the whole of you, once you learn to accept yourself you can move on to self-worth, which is hard for many of us due to what has happened in our past through relationships, and other life lessons it can actually cause a lack of self-worth, especially when the past lessons were difficult ones and brought pain and suffering.

Self-worth comes from respecting yourself in every way and seeing yourself as a worthy person who deserves happiness, joy and success in everything you put your mind and heart into. Far too often we fall into relationships where the partner doesn't respect, honour or even love us, this is because as we hold no self-worth we don’t feel we are worthy to have a truly loving relationship. Once you learn to respect yourself and honour your feelings, heart, body, mind, and soul, and see yourself as a worthy person who deserves happiness, and a fulfilling loving relationship then you will attract those that are worthy to be in your life.
It all comes down to self-love one of the hardest lessons we have to learn in life, we are so caught up in everyday life, work, money worries, stresses, and strains, doubts and fears that we forget to spend time on ourselves to do things that make us internally happy. When we take time to look within and see ourselves as a loving, beautiful person we can start to actualise self-love.

We tend to think that by finding ‘the one’ will make us complete in every way but self-love will complete us and show us that ultimately love comes down to self-love first, and will lead to an opening of the heart, which in turn leads to the connection to the divine, and once this is achieved the abundance river opens for us where we can literally have all that we have ever wanted.

Self-love brings freedom, joy and peace within, and this brings you to the realisation that you are in love with you, your heart, your soul, and you then see yourself as the divine being of light and love that you have always been, but were just too afraid to see, feel, and express.

We tend to want a love partner for fulfilment, but most partners are only short term, and become a quick fix for the lack of self-love. The need to be fulfilled by a partner is because we feel lacking in something and believe a partner will fill that void, when ultimately that void can be filled by loving self, and the connection to the Divine. Yes we all crave that special one who we can share our life with, but ultimately our life path is one of self-discovery, learning and growing.

When we have issues with self-love, low self-esteem, lack of confidence and all manner of traits that lead to a lack of self-love we think a partner will fulfil our lack of traits and make us feel secure, stable, loved and cherished, when all we need to do is love our self first, and cherish every part of ourselves from the inside to the outside, which will build our confidence, self-esteem, self-value, self-worth, and most importantly teach us how to love ourselves.  We are all capable of changing any aspects of ourselves that we are unhappy with but that comes from an acceptance of facing the parts we want to change and taking action to change them, and most importantly loving you for who and what you are, believe in you, and honour your heart and soul always.

Life is a journey and at times a difficult one as we face many trials and errors along our path, but ultimately they make us into a stronger person and we learn the most valuable lessons from the difficult lessons, it teaches us about what is important in life and what is just a need, a want or a necessity, we learn to differentiate between our egos needs and wants for things and relationships, and our spirit need for freedom, self-expression, and most importantly we learn to honour our heart and soul and love ourselves in every way unconditionally.

Blessings <3 x wendy x

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